Art & Garden
Natural garden management
Continuing education
Company profile
Simone Palmieri is a professional specialized in garden design and landscape architecture.
He received a Master Engineering degree at Marche Polytechnic University in Ancona and has embarked on an intense career in the energy sector that led him to travel to many countries around the world.
Enriched by the encounter with the most diverse cultures, he chose to fully realize his passion for art and nature through the creation of gardens.
He trained at the School of the Park of Monza in Gardening, Arboriculture and Green Maintenance, achieving a specialization in the Design of Ornamental Green.
He thus gave life to Palmieri Studio with offices in Milan and Fermo, in the Marche region, where he lives with his family in a farmhouse surrounded by greenery.
The firm employs a selected group of specialists such as surveyors, designers, 3D modelers, botanists, installers, etc. and follows projects both in Italy and abroad. Thanks to the close cooperation with companies selected over the years such as nurserymen, gardeners, construction and earthmoving companies, etc., Palmieri Studio supervises and coordinates all phases of the construction of the garden, offering a ‘turnkey’ service to its customers.
The creation of a garden is our attempt to introduce order and harmony into the world: it is a seed of beauty that we entrust to the future.
When creating a garden, we give life to an expressly human product, true offspring of our culture and our taste, but resorting to free and pulsating nature.
There is no garden without human intervention: it is our action that humanizes nature, transforming it into the expression of our sensitivity.
For this reason, the sign that we imprint on the environment is always clearly visible in our creations which avoid artificial imitations of nature left to itself.
Conceiving, creating and taking care of a garden means giving impetus to a living and changing microcosm, which surprises and enchants us in unexpected ways. A space that evolves over the years with us, finally overcoming the time limit of our life.
Our garden must become the place in which we can change our perception of time by learning again how to feel, touch and observe, rediscovering our link with the deep breath of the cosmos.
Facing the creation of a garden without a clear project guiding us to its realization, inevitably will lead to higher costs and likely errors.
A garden created in an impromptu way, which does not come from the creative synergy between the client, the designer and the spirit of the place, will be reduced to a mere decoration.
There can be no feasible project without a thorough knowledge of the starting data of the context in which we intervene.
An accurate survey, carried out with drone and GPS, allows us to effectively and precisely acknowledge the orography and the characteristics of the site where our work will be executed.
The garden project is conceived by working directly on the survey carried out, to accurately define the structure and layout of the spaces.
The three-dimensional modeling of the garden and the introduction of plant elements using dedicated softwares, allow us to realistically evaluate the goodness of the selected solutions.
By virtue of this work it is possible to generate renderings and videos of the garden, necessary to illustrate to the client the result to be achieved.
Finally, the plantation plan will show the vegetation that we will introduce, with its appearance and peculiar characteristics, thus completing the framework of the project proposal. The plants must be chosen accurately, resorting exclusively to specialized nurseries that know how to breed them correctly and sustainably.
A landscape that bears witness to human presence, the garden has always been located at the crossroads between naturalness and artifice, between sensation and idea.
The dichotomy inherent in the notion of garden as nature that transcends itself, finds its maximum expression in the artistic work.
We can say that Art, and in particular sculpture, shapes the raw substance transforming it into an expression that goes beyond the simplistic materialism of appearance. Likewise in the garden we shape nature to give life to new spaces, capable of generating sensations and meanings previously hidden.
Art, as a manifestation of the spirit, is a presence that radically changes the ultimate meaning of the garden, making it a living space, inhabited by spiritual and unfathomable presences that permeate the entire place. Thanks to the collaboration with some of the most prestigious art galleries in Italy, we refine our project by inserting works of art that effectively enhance its character, transforming the garden from a simple picturesque place into a true landscape of the soul.
The design of the garden is followed by its realization.
Palmieri Studio is responsible for the coordination and supervision of the execution of the projects, acting as the main referent of the client.
The selection of the best workforce available on the market is essential to provide a service of excellence in the diversified areas involved in the creation of a garden, such as building swimming pools and biolakes, carrying out naturalistic engineering, implementing irrigation and lighting technology, executing building construction, providing nursery services, gardening and so on.
Our Firm is at the center of a network of companies selected over the years and is therefore able to propose to the client the workforce in possession of the best experience to perform a given task. In order to execute a complex and multidisciplinary work within the set timing and budget, such as the creation of a garden, it is necessary to resort to specialized companies that excel each one in their specific discipline and to effectively coordinate them, providing the client with a ‘turnkey’ service.
The sustainable management of the garden consists in taking care of it in a way that respects the environment, is careful about people’s health and is as little burdensome as possible in terms of work commitment and economic exposure.
The sustainable management of the garden starts already at the design phase.
Attention must be paid to the correct choice of vegetal elements, which must adapt to the climatic and microclimatic conditions of the place, and the size of the plants when they are grown must be taken into account in order to avoid costly and harmful pruning operations after a few years.
It is necessary to foresee the amount of water necessary to support the garden and the required routine maintenance operations, in order to create environments that can, over time, sustain themselves as it happens in nature.
We will therefore avoid associations of plant species that are not found naturally, such as the turf placed under large trees, and we will protect the soil from the action of natural elements and the onset of weeds by providing for an appropriate mulching.
Once the garden has been designed in a sustainable way, it is then necessary to implement the right management operations that exclude, except in cases of extreme necessity, the use of pesticides harmful to both the environment and people.
Sustainable management is based on three cornerstones:
create fertile soil;
provide nourishment;
protect plants.
A fertile soil is the prerequisite for healthy plants. Fertility is given by a sufficient supply of organic substance in the subsoil and by the presence of microflora and microfauna that activate the transformation cycle.
Fungi, bacteria, annelids and other beneficial organisms break down the organic substance by eating it. In this way, they improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and make the mineral elements available to plants.
In addition, beneficial microorganisms create symbiotic relationships with plants such as mycorrhizae and perform a strong antagonistic action against pathogens.
If necessary, we must then inoculate the microorganisms that inhabit the soil to start the life cycle of the subsoil.
The nourishment necessary to support life in the garden is guaranteed by bringing organic substance with a natural fertilization and fertigation plan, avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers that over time deplete the soil making it sterile.
The protection of plants is ensured, as well as creating a healthy habitat for them, by providing substances that stimulate their metabolism, activating the natural responses that they put in place to defend themselves from the attack of any pathogens.
The natural management of the garden is therefore a methodological approach that starts from the design phase and develops over time, going to favor life and the creation of a stable ecosystem in our garden.
The training path of the professional is a process that is always ‘in progress’.
In addition to studies and in-depth academic research, contact with the most modern currents of thought concerning landscape architecture and the comparison with colleagues from all over the world are prerequisites for the quality of the work put in place on a daily basis.
Our presence in Milan, business and training trips abroad, visits to historic gardens, active participation in events such as ‘I Maestri del Paesaggio’ or ‘Le Giornate di Studio di Orticola’, are aspects as rewarding as they are essential to the maturation of our vision and design sensitivity.
Around the world of garden and ornamental greenery there are many false beliefs and in general little information.
It is difficult to find comprehensive information about the plants, the garden and its proper management; when available, they are often incomplete and inaccurate. This is a problem which exposes clients to the risk of turning to poorly prepared professionals and may subject the plants of our gardens to inappropriate and harmful treatments.
This is why we wanted to make a contribution to disseminating to the widest possible audience, correct information on plants and their management, on the garden, its history and its correct design.
It is our thought that ‘we love only what we know’, therefore we hope to be able to bring as many people as possible closer to the love for nature and for the garden, which is its highest expression.
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