The landscape project of this service company was dictated by the need to combine the presence of workspaces with a representative function.
The sober architecture of the ground floor, characterized by large glass surfaces and open to dialogue with the outside, lent itself to the creation of internal gardens that constitutes an ideal ‘en plein air’ continuation of the areas where guests are received and business meetings are held.
Here the character of the green spaces deviates from the typical canons of a productive reality to take on a more welcoming aspect, similar to what can be found in a private residence.
The aim was to create a familiar but at the same time functional environment, like that of a home. Goal was to underline the informal but at the same time efficient approach to work of a young and innovative company.
Great importance has been given to the external areas which blend into the surrounding landscape and where employees can freely spend their working time, holding informal meetings outdoors and working immersed in nature. These areas also serve the company canteen and give workers the opportunity to distract themselves by walking in a small park in contact with the environment.
Here the landscape project wanted to underline the free and informal character of the context, creating a place less attentive to precise aesthetic canons and more relaxed.
The possibility of working in unconfined spaces contributes decisively to improving employees mood and to favor the creation of peaceful relationships with colleagues, in a concept whereby the personal and work spheres harmoniously interpenetrate into one whole.
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